Sistema avanzado de inspección de alimentos XSpectra

Sistema avanzado de inspección de alimentos XSpectra
XSpectra® es una tecnología innovadora, el primer sistema de inspección hiperespectral de la industria alimentaria basado en la técnica de photon counting, capaz de realizar análisis químicos y físicos del producto en tiempo real para identificar cuerpos extraños actualmente indetectables mediante las tecnologías de inspección existentes.
It performs a spectral analysis, comparing up to 1.024 energy levels the different absorption of the product with respect to the contaminant.
In a few milliseconds, it performs a chemical-physical analysis of each product on the processing line.
A revolutionary inspection system that detects low-density foreign bodies all along the processing line:
- Metal
- Stone
- Glass
- Nuts
- Bones
- Wood
- Plastics
on bulk or packaged products.
- Increasing food safety and quality
- Supporting food waste reduction
- Fighting counterfeiting and fraud
- Providing a cost-effective approach
- Facilitating the production process and logistics
- Increased focus on consumer protection
- Preserving corporate reputation