Collagen Casing PMS

Collagen Casing PMS
Collagen casing PMS casing is made of collagen derived from animal hides. Casings are widely used in the manufacture of many different sausage products including dried. smoked sausage and fermented sausage.
Casing with uniform smoky color. When the sausages are subject to the smoking process, the casing will pick up the color of the smoke. Unfortunately, the smoke will not uniformly color the casing, with this casing can avoid this problem.
Collagen casings are individually packaged and vacuum sealed, which helps extend their shelf life and reduce waste.
Shelf Life
The shelf life is 3 years under the condition of the transportation and storage conditions and its original package.
Color we have:
Smoked color
Salmon color
Caramel color
Customized colors are available.